What can you claim on tax for your investment property
Investment properties can be great vehicles for building wealth but they can also cost a lot, particularly in the beginning. Luckily, many expenses are claimable as tax deductions. For those who own a rental property, you’ll want to start pulling together the details of your rental property expenses now in preparation for lodging your tax return. You can save a lot of money by maximisin...

how rental property depreciation works
How does rental property depreciation work? If you own a rental property, it’s important to claim all of your eligible tax deductions to maximise your return on investment. One of the most significant expenses you can claim is depreciation. However, this expense is easy to miss, because depreciation is not an out-of-pocket expense like other rental property expenses. It is imp...

How to clean oven racks the easy way!
Want to know how to clean your oven the easy way? Of course you do! One of the cleaning jobs we all dread when it comes to moving out of a property is the oven right? Even cleaning the toilet seems easier than the oven and grill! Am I right?! Well, we might just be able to help you....you see, as a property manager, we get to chat to A LOT of bond cleaners, and I have no shame in askin...

How to choose a property manager
7 great tips to help you find a reputable property manager 1. Search in the area that your rental property is located Having a property manager that is based in the same area as your investment property is key. A local property manager will have inside market knowledge, will be able to appraise the property accurately and know what tenants in your area are looking for, they may even hav...

Nerang Real Estate
We don't have a shop front and you won't find us door knocking! We are Nerang's newest real estate agency, offering property management to locals, just like us. It's 2022 and you no longer need an office on the high street. Thanks to cloud based software, paperless legal document signing and of course the internet, running your own real estate company from home, is entirely possib...

Gold Coast Property Management Fees
Shush! Don't talk about Gold Coast Property Management Fees! Have you ever noticed that Gold Coast Property Management fees can never be found on an agency website! Even on this website, you will not find a specific page detailing fees. Why not? It is a tactic of course. Agencies want to give you a reason to contact them. A reason to email or call so they c...

Gold Coast Property Management
GOLD COAST PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Where should you start when you Google Gold Coast Property Management? There are a multitude of real estate agencies on the Gold Coast, it can put you into a state of overwhelm if you don't know how to differentiate one agency from another. First of all, one of the main issues you'll have when you search for Gold Coast Property Management, is that you are going...

To furnish or not to furnish? That is the question.
To furnish or not to furnish? That is the question. Deciding whether to rent your property furnished or unfurnished can set the path for the kind of tenants you attract to your property. Depending on your goals with your property, you may prefer the yields of charging higher rent for a furnished property, but this may only be suitable for short-term tenants. In this article, we outline...

5 Reasons Why You Need Landlord Insurance
5 Reasons Why You Need Landlord Insurance As a landlord, your investment properties are likely some of the most valuable assets you hold. And no matter what your long-term goals are with property investing, it’s important that you protect your assets and minimise the risk of significant financial loss if something happens to your property. While it’s a cost to add to your m...

5 Ways to Find Problems in a property Before You Buy
5 Ways to Find Problems in a property Before You Buy When you find a great property, it can be easy to look past or not notice problems until you’ve bought it and the keys are all yours. At this point, any hidden issues are your expense and problem. While most sellers do the right thing, it’s important to carefully examine a property to identify any issues before you buy i...

The unexpected expenses property investors may not see coming
The unexpected expenses property investors may not see coming As a landlord, you probably know the regular expenses you need to cover for your property. These expenses might include your management fees, body corporate fees if you own a unit, apartment or townhouse, and larger jobs such as replacing appliances or freshening the paint. But what about those expenses you haven’t tho...

The rooms you should renovate to maximise your rental returns
The rooms you should renovate to maximise your rental returns When it comes to renovating specific rooms in your rental property for higher returns, some rooms will deliver better results than others. There are certain rooms in a home that, when in pristine condition, will maximise your rental returns. Projects such as updating a kitchen are a relatively large investment, while...

The 4 Biggest Mistakes First-Time Investors Make
The 4 Biggest Mistakes First-Time Investors Make Property investing, like any other journey in life, has learning curves. The longer you’re in the game, the more you understand based on experience and the mistakes you might make along the way. For first time investors, some common mistakes can impact the growth of your portfolio and subsequently stop you from reaching your goals....

The Pros and Cons of Fake Grass for your Investment Property
The Pros and Cons of Fake Grass for your Investment Property If you have a yard at your investment property, it may be tempting to use fake grass to add some greenery to the property while reducing the maintenance typically associated with real turf. Maintenance aside, there are other impacts to think about when it comes to using fake grass. In this article, we outline why it may be be...

How to choose the right tenant
How to choose the right tenant Picking the right tenant can be a tough decision, especially if you’ve experienced the impacts of less than stellar tenants in the past. Whether you had to make significant repairs to the property or fielded complaints about a previous tenant, it can make property investment extra stressful. Enlisting the help of your property manager (that’s ...

3 Ways to Discover How Much Rent to Charge
3 Ways to Discover How Much Rent to Charge Deciding how much rent you’ll charge is one of the most important parts of managing your rental property. If you charge too little, you could be leaving money on the table. In contrast, charging too much can result in your property remaining vacant while others in the market are snapped up quickly. Fortunately, there is a sweet spot with...

4 Steps to Buying an Investment Property Online
4 Steps to Buying an Investment Property Online With auctions in Australia typically held in-person at the property or an auction room, the move to online auctions is an exciting one. Traditional auctions are exciting, and an online auction is much the same, with opportunities at your fingertips for interaction and strategically bidding to secure your next investment property. Keep rea...

4 Top tips for marketing your property
4 Top tips for marketing your property Placing a “for rent” sign in front of your property is only one small part of the marketing process. Today, you can use several different channels to make sure your property is leased as soon as possible. Keep reading for some top tips on marketing your rental property. High-quality images and virtual tours Images are...

How do I find an affordable place to live?
How do I find a rental that I can afford? This is the question many tenants are asking. Families, couples and singles are finding they are being priced out of their home and suburb. It is a serious situation. In just a few weeks I have personally spoken to families who are homeless. One family I chatted to have been without a permanent home for 6 months. A single Mum with ...

Which rooms should I renovate to maximise my rental returns?
Which rooms should you improve to optimise your rental returns? When it comes to renovating specific rooms in your rental property for higher returns, some rooms will deliver better results than others. There are certain rooms in a home that, when in pristine condition, will maximise your rental returns. Projects such as upgrading a kitchen are a relatively large investment, whil...

How do I make sure I choose the right tenants?
How to choose the right tenants On average 30% of properties in Queensland are rentals. Of that 30%, one fifth are self managed by the owner/s. Are you a self managing landlord? Over time, we have heard horror story after horror story of privately managed tenancies going wrong (and that's not including the ones from ACA!) We've heard of internal walls being painted bla...

Beautify your courtyard!
1. Lay down a vinyl rug When you’re working to makeover an indoor space, the first thing any interior designer will tell you to do is to zone your space with a rug. The same thought process should be applied to an outdoor courtyard. There are some beautiful synthetic outdoor rugs on the market, but the cheapest way to transform a courtyard is to lay down a vinyl rug. Use a...

How to plan for moving house
Moving house? Make it a breeze with these easy steps! 1. Transfer your utilities - call your internet/power provider as early as possible to ensure a smooth transition! 2. Plan you moving day - book your truck ASAP and remember booking for a weekday is usually cheapest! 3. Tenants - do yourself a favour and complete your entry report prior to moving your furniture in 4. ...

Who pays for pest control in a rental?
Who pays for pest control in a rental property? This is something that comes up time after time. It is a grey area. The RTRA (Residential Tenancies and Rooming Accommodation) act does not specify who is responsible. There is no definitive answer! It can be tricky! To answer the question as best we can, we have to take a step back and define t...

What do I need to do when looking to buy an investment property?
Taking the first steps into property investing can be a daunting affair, especially if you are just beginning to understand the real estate market. One of the best tips I received when starting out was, that before you do anything, find yourself an excellent Accountant! Not just any Accountant but one who is also a property investor, so that you can be sure that they are “on t...

How to protect your bond with a Spring Clean!
Having a routine inspection every 3 months ensures the basics are being done regularly, but an annual deep clean can save you hours on your vacate clean, which may save you money and protect your bond when it comes time to vacate! Here are some top tips for a spring clean which will leave you with a spring in your step and ready for the new month ahead! Happy cleaning! 1. PRE...

How can I prepare my property for storm season?
What a beautiful time of the year! Warmer weather and storms are on the way! This is a great time to look at all those maintenance jobs that need doing and to take the opportunity to do some Spring cleaning. One of the important tasks for homeowners is to check gutters for leaves and debris, as soon we will be receiving some much needed rain and perhaps a few Spring storm...

Why is the rental market so tight?
Right now, landlords on the Gold Coast do not have to worry about finding tenants. Vacancy rates on the Gold Coast are at an ALL. TIME. LOW. There are likely several factors contributing to this extremely tight market. Fear. Covid has made people nervous, and what is the safe thing to do when we feel nervous? Stay put in our comfort zones. Don’...

Why get your air con unit serviced?
Did you know one of the top 5 repair requests we receive is regarding air conditioning units? And it's also one of the three top essentials that tenants look for when searching for a new home, so it's worth having and looking after. Tenants prefer air con in a living area and master bedroom. Some rentals have a unit in all bedrooms. Here on the Gold Coast, air con is a ...

What are the new smoke alarm requirements?
Have you upgraded your smoke alarms? New legislation comes into play on January 1st 2022 for ALL rental properties and properties for sale! Warning!! Only 4 working months left to go!! What!! What is needed? An alarm is required in every bedroom plus each level/area outside bedrooms of the property and they must communicate to each other - all alarms must be cap...

How can I get the most tax back using my investment property?
It's a common misconception that only new properties can be depreciated for tax purposes. This is not the case. Properties built as far back as the mid 1980s can benefit. You can even claim on renovations carried out by the previous owner! A depreciation schedule can be organised with us here at Baber & Co whether you are a client or not for $595 + ...

What are the new rules around pets in rental properties?
So there is some good news for tenants and in some cases, some not so good news for landlords ... You may have heard about some changes to legislation in Queensland surrounding pets in rental properties. For as long as I can remember owners of rental properties have had the right to choose whether to allow tenants to have a pet or not. All that is set to change. Soon, landlords will nee...

How to avoid this common water leak disaster!
In 2016 home insurer IAG accounted 22% of their water damage claims to these seemingly innocent little plumbing flexi hoses!! In the mid 80s to early 2000s, many Gold Coast homes were built using poor quality hoses which rust and fail.... and if no one is home to turn off the mains supply, you can imagine the damage that can be done very quickly! These hoses can be located under kitchen...