How to avoid this common water leak disaster!

In 2016 home insurer IAG accounted 22% of their water damage claims to these seemingly innocent little plumbing flexi hoses!!

In the mid 80s to early 2000s, many Gold Coast homes were built using poor quality hoses which rust and fail.... and if no one is home to turn off the mains supply, you can imagine the damage that can be done very quickly! 

These hoses can be located under kitchen and bathroom sinks, they supply the taps, so they are always under pressure. They only come with a 10 year warranty, so at least one check per year is recommended.

If they are starting to show signs of rust, it's an easy remedy by your plumber to replace them all for around $200 per property.

We check under sinks at our quarterly routine inspections for corrosion or any other type of leak, minimising risk for our owners and tenants.

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